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Don’t let these driving mistakes ruin your happy holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2020 | Car Accidents |

A lot of people travel during the holidays — and this year, with the global pandemic and social distancing protocols limiting holiday gatherings with friends and family, you may hear the call of the open highway beckoning you to take a road trip just for the sake of getting out of the house. Unfortunately, that can mean driving through unfamiliar places at a time when law enforcement is increasingly out and about and looking for violations.

If you want to avoid a traffic ticket, car accident or potential criminal charges this holiday season, there are a few major driving mistakes you should avoid.

What kinds of mistakes on the road can lead to legal problems?

Here are some of the biggest errors people make behind the wheel while traveling for the holidays:

  • Speeding: Sure, you’ve got places to go and timelines to meet, but speeding is never a good idea. A ticket could be the least of your trouble if you end up crashing into someone and get charged with reckless driving because you were driving too fast for the weather conditions.
  • Illegal turns: When you’re lost in an unfamiliar area and you’ve just missed your turn, it’s frustrating to drive even further out of your way looking for a spot to turn around. Better you should do that, however, than make an illegal U-turn in front of a patrol car.
  • Cutting corners: Both Kentucky and West Virginia make skirting through a parking lot to avoid traffic lights a specific traffic offense because it can put people in danger and easily lead to a wreck.
  • Driving while impaired: Many people enjoy a little bit of holiday cheer now and then, but you don’t want to get behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking. The police are actively looking for drunk drivers at this time of the year.

Some of these offenses could just lead to a ticket, points on your license and a hefty fine — but some could lead to an arrest, significant criminal charges or worse. If you do find yourself in trouble, it’s never a bad idea to contact an experienced defense attorney to protect your interests.